Data configuration

Multitudes insights

What insights does Multitudes provide and how are these calculated?

In addition to helping you visualize key metrics, we also share insights about those metrics. Insights are made up of the following:

  • Insight text: The message at the top of a chart, describing the metric’s value and trend
  • Insight value: Where the metric is at currently
  • Insight trend: Whether the overall trend over the date range has been up, down, or flat over the selected date range. This is indicated by the arrow. The arrow color changes depending on whether the trend is towards the target or away from it (for example, an upward trend for Merge Frequency will be green because more merges are generally better)
  • Insight status: A combination of the insight value, trend, and the metric’s target. This is represented by thumb icons (see the top right corner of each metric card in the Trend Summary, or throughout the At a glance section):
    • red thumbs down icon

      The insight value is outside of the target and not getting closer to it

    • yellow sideway thumbs icon

      The insight value is outside of the target zone but trending towards it, or within the target zone but close to the threshold

    • green thumbs up icon

      The insight value is well within the target

Any changes to custom targets will immediately affect the insights (text, value, trend, and status) and Actions in the app. Of course, the time range of data will also affect insights and Actions, in this case, it's important to know that the At a glance view and Trend Summary behave differently.

At a glance view


As this view is designed to be a high-level overview, the date range is fixed to the last 6 weeks. The insights and Actions are only affected by changing custom targets.

In other words, changes to selected dates in the Trend Summary section will not affect this view.

Custom targets

To give an idea of what “good” looks like, our metrics show a default industry benchmark. We also allow teams to set custom targets, because we recognize that teams may have different considerations (e.g., hardware teams may be limited in Change Lead Time due to physical operations, some teams may want to beat industry standards). 

Targets, whether custom or industry benchmarks, are what drive the insights that Multitudes shows you, whether in app or via our notifications in Slack or email.

There are two ways to customize targets:

  1. Settings > Targets page

    Navigate to Settings > Targets  or click the “Customize targets” button on the top right of the At a glance section on the My Insights homepage. Customizing a target is as simple as clicking on a target and editing it!

    To be clear, in this table:

    • Rows represent teams (including a row for the organization as a whole at the top)
    • Columns represent the metrics
    • Each cell represents a target

    For a cell with a given team row and metric column, if the text of the cell is colored:

    • Black, this means the current target is unchanged from the industry benchmark (the industry benchmark is shown on the first gray row, for reference)
    • Teal, this means a custom target has been set

    Note that this table currently lets you set targets for 5 of our metrics, Change Lead Time, Merge Frequency, Change Failure Rate, Out-of-Hours Work, and PR Participation Gap. To set targets on other metrics (or also for these metrics, as a secondary option), see the option below.

  2. From a chart legend

    On a metric-specific pages (as accessed from the left hand menu bar), wherever you see a chart with a green target zone, you can customize the target here by going to the legend and clicking on the small target icon next to the “Target” label. This will show a modal from which you can edit the target. Click “Save Changes” to trigger a chart refresh.

    Note that if you’ve selected multiple teams or have “All” as the team filter at the top right of the page, the target shown in the legend will be the target for the organization as a whole.

    Screenshot with instructions


Annotations allow you to add context to your data. Users can annotate chart data points, view annotations in a sidebar, and reply to annotations to have threaded discussions with team members. On line charts, they appear as bubbles on specific data points with a number indicating the number of comments associated with that data point.

Create an annotation

Add annotations in the following ways:

  • If a chart that doesn’t have any annotations in the current view: click the Add annotation link in the bottom-left corner of the chart.
  • If a chart has annotations visible: click the View [N] annotations link in the bottom-left corner of the chart, then click the + New annotation button at the top of the sidebar.
Gif of creating a new annotation
Create a new annotation

Annotations are associated with a specific chart, date, and team. They will appear on the relevant data point on the chart, i.e. on the specific series (the team's line, for a line chart), and in the month/week/day data point that the date is included in.

For charts that are not grouped by team (anything that’s not a simple line chart with one line representing a team), you will be required to enter a date range that the annotation is relevant for. These annotations will not appear on the chart, but just be visible in the sidebar via the View [N] annotations link.

You can only edit and delete your own annotations.

View annotations in the sidebar

Gif of clicking a bubble on a line chart, which opens the annotations sidebar to show the relevant comment.
Open the annotations sidebar via an annotation bubble

Open the Annotations sidebar by clicking Add annotation or View [N] annotation on any chart.

  • The annotations listed in the sidebar are specific to the selected page, and the filters that are set on the page: the date range, and the filtered teams.
  • Users can Reply to annotations, creating threaded conversations.
  • Click the Apply filters link next to Reply to reset the filters at the top of the page to what the original annotation author had been seeing*.
  • Click the menu next to a comment and select Copy link to share a particular comment and the specific filters that were in place when the annotation was made*.
  • Click an annotation in the sidebar to highlight the relevant chart.
  • Click an annotation bubble on a chart to highlight the corresponding annotation in the sidebar.
Gif of clicking overflow menu on a comment to copy a link
Copy a link to a specific comment.

*This is for you to see the same data that the author was seeing, so that any trends or data numbers that they refer to make sense.


Learn about annotation notifications on our Alerts help page.

Jira Software integration

Install our Jira integration to get insights like Types of Work and Feature vs Maintenance Work.

We pull up to 200 Jira projects, ordered by the latest issue updated. We check for new projects and update this list daily.

We pull up to 200 epics and 200 labels. The Jira API does not provide us a way to sort these or filter by any sort of date field, so they are just the first 200 returned by their API.

Note that in order to install this integration, you must have Owner or Manager level permissions in Multitudes. In Jira, you need a Jira System Administrator for your workspace to approve the app installation.

On the Multitudes app, go to the Integrations page (from the menu, find Account, click Settings, then click the Integrations tab across the top). Find the card that says Jira in the top Integrations section and click ‘Connect’ at top right.

  • After you click 'Connect' on the Jira card on the Integrations page, on the resulting pop-up click ‘Connect Jira projects’

    Screenshot with red arrow and circle showing where to click
  • This opens a new page on Atlassian Marketplace, click ‘Try it free’

    Screenshot with red arrow and circle showing where to click
  • This pops up a modal. In this modal, first, select your site; second, click the button to ‘Start free trial’. Don’t worry this integration is not separately charged beyond your instance of Multitudes!

    Screenshot with red arrow and circle showing where to click
  • This pops up a new modal, click ‘Get started’

    Screenshot with red arrow and circle showing where to click
  • This will close the modals, on the resulting page, a dialog box should pop up on the lower left hand corner indicating that the install is in progress. Once complete, it will show success, from this dialog box, click ‘Get started’

    Screenshot with red arrow and circle showing where to click
  • A new tab will open, on this tab, click ‘Allow access’

    Screenshot with red arrow and circle showing where to click
  • A new tab will open, scroll to the bottom and click ‘Accept’

    Screenshot with red arrow and circle showing where to click
  • This will close the last tab. On the resulting page, click the button ‘Connect with Multitudes’

    Screenshot with red arrow and circle showing where to click
  • Now, you should be brought back to our app, where you’ll see a pop-up asking you to link Jira users with Multitudes users. This will determine whose Jira data we know to show in Multitudes, so it's important to complete this step. Learn more about user linking.

  • Lastly, you’ll see a success message in the pop-up!


⚠️Please note that once the installation is finished and teams are linked, you will need to wait a few minutes, then refresh the app to see the charts. Until the charts are ready, you will see the message "No data for this time period" on the Value Delivery page:


Linear integration

Install our Linear integration to get insights like Types of Work and Feature vs Maintenance Work.

Note that in order to install this integration, you must have Owner or Manager level permissions.

On the Multitudes app, go to the Integrations page (from the menu, find Account, click Settings, then click the Integrations tab across the top). Find the card that says Linear in the top Integrations section and click ‘Connect’ at top right.

  1. After you click 'Connect' on the Jira card on the Integrations page, on the resulting pop-up click ‘Continue to set up Linear’

  2. This opens a new page, click 'Authorize Multitudes'

  3. Now, you should be brought back to our app, where you’ll see a pop-up asking you to link Linear users with Multitudes users. This will determine whose Linear data we know to show in Multitudes, so it's important to complete this step. Learn more about user linking.

  4. Lastly, you’ll see a success message in the pop-up!


Github Actions integration

Set up our GitHub Actions integration to get insights like Deployment Frequency , Change Lead Time through to deploy, Deploy Time, and Deployment Failure Rate.

NOTE: You can use either our Deployments API or our GitHub Actions integration to provide us with data about deployments. If you already have our Deployments API integration configured, you will need to revoke that action token before connecting with our GitHub Actions integration.

  1. In the Multitudes app, go to Settings > Integrations and click on the Connect button in the Github and Github Actions card

  2. On the resulting modal, click to configure Github Actions data

  3. On the next page of the modal, you can choose either the “Environment/Deployments” or “Workflows” option, based on how you use GitHub Actions. See details below the image.


    Don't know what to pick? Here are some common scenarios:

    • “The change is deployed when it has been deployed to a certain environment/s”

      • This sounds like you are using GitHub Action’s “Environments” feature, and therefore their “Deployments” feature, so you would select "Environment/Deployments"
      • In your case, the best way for us to track a “deployment” is for you to tell us which Environment/s are your production environments in each repository. You'll see this in the next step.
      • Note that within one workflow run, you can have more than 1 successful deployment (e.g., you could use the same workflow to deploy to dev, staging, and prod). Therefore it’s important to understand how we calculate deployment metrics when you’ve selected this option.
      • A note on historical data availability: Due to constraints on GitHub’s API, we will not be able to fetch historical deployment data for this option.

        • This is only an issue if you onboarded to Multitudes recently (i.e., if you onboarded to Multitudes a while ago but didn't configure GitHub Actions until today, then today we can still access your historical deployment data).
        • While most charts will have 6 weeks of historical data from before you onboarded onto Multitudes to get you started, charts relating to deployments will only have data from onboarding onwards.
        • Also note that it might look like your Change Lead Time increases from the date that you onboard, because from that point onwards, change lead time will include deploy time based on your deployments data.
        • Here's a concrete example

          • You onboard onto Multitudes (install our GitHub app) on 1 June, from this point on we start accumulating real-time events data
          • We also pull 6 weeks of historical data, back to 16 May, to get you started
          • On 8 June, you configure GitHub Actions
          • We will only show deployment data from June 1 to June 8
    • “The change is deployed when a specific workflow(s) has run”

      • This sounds like you are not using GitHub Action’s “Environments” feature
      • In your case, the best way for us to track a “deployment” is for you to tell us which Workflow/s are the ones that deploy to your production environment for each repository. You'll see this in the next step
      • A note on historical data availability:  we will have access to historical data (the 6 weeks of data from before you onboarded onto Multitudes), but only the latest attempt in the historical data. This means that for example, if an attempt to deploy to production succeeded at 12pm, but for some reason you re-ran the workflow again successfully at 1pm, 1pm will be what is captured as the Deploy Time for that PR, even though it actually got deployed earlier at 12pm. This is a constraint on the historical data from the GitHub API

    With respect to data availability in either case, once you have integrated GitHub Actions, we will have real-time data, and will take the first successful attempts to deploy to production going forward (since that is when the change is first available to customers).

  4. Once you’ve made a selection, the following page of the modal will prompt you for further configuration. In either case you will:

    • First identify which repository
    • Then within that repository, select either relevant environment/s or workflow/s
    • Click the "Save" button
  5. All done!


PagerDuty integration

PagerDuty + Multitudes Integration Benefits

  • See Mean Time To Recovery for PagerDuty incidents in Multitudes
  • See Mean Time To Acknowledge for PagerDuty incidents in Multitudes
  • See Number of Pages split by service and escalation policy
  • Keep track of burnout risk by seeing the number of pages per team and user, during both work hours and out-of-hours (customisable by each team member's usual working hours)

How it Works

  • Incident-related events fom PagerDuty (such as an incident being triggered, assigned, acknowledged, and resolved) will be sent to Multitudes. This data is then processed by our data pipelines and shown in the Multitudes app as actionable insights around Quality of Work and Wellbeing.


  • PagerDuty integrations require an Admin base role for account authorization. If you do not have this role, please reach out to a PagerDuty Admin or Account Owner within your organization to configure the integration.


If you need help with this integration, please contact

Integration Walkthrough

  1. Go to
  2. Find the PagerDuty card and click Connect.
  3. In the modal, click Continue to set up PagerDuty. This will open the PagerDuty sign in page.
  4. Sign in with your PagerDuty credentials.
  5. Submit Consent for the app installation. This will redirect you back to Multitudes.You will see a new modal screen that prompts you to input an API key.
Screenshot of the approval screen on PagerDuty
Step 5: approve the pemissions by clicking "Submit Consent"
  1. For the next step, go to PagerDuty in a new tab.
  2. In the top navigation bar, navigate to Integrations > API Access Keys.
  3. Click Create new API key
  4. Add a description, e.g. "Multitudes App Integration", do not select "Read-only API Key"*, and click Create Key.
    *We need write access to create the webhook on your PagerDuty account.
  5. Copy the newly generated API Key, then Close.
  6. Back in the Multitudes tab, paste the API Key in the text field on the modal, and click Add API Key.
A screenshot of the Multitudes PagerDuty configuration modal, showing where to input the API key.

This is the installation part complete. You can now revoke the API token in PagerDuty as we only use it to set up the webhook. In the top navigation bar, navigate to Integrations > API Access Keys, find the API key you just created, and click Remove on the right hand side of the row.

The next two steps in Multitudes help you configure your data so that it is accurate and comprehensive.

1. User linking: see the section on user linking for how to match your Multitudes team members to PagerDuty users, so that incident assignments and pages are attributed to the correct people in Multitudes.

2. Default filter setting: choose which field would be most useful for you to filter incidents on, between urgency and priority level.

How we use PagerDuty's webhooks

Screenshot of PagerDuty showing the organization's list of webhooks from the Integrations tab.
List of webhooks on PagerDuty

We use your API token to create a webhook. You can see this in PagerDuty by navigating to Integrations > Generic Webhooks (v3).The webhook sends us events on updates to incidents, which powers our PagerDuty-related insights about incidents and pages in Multitudes.

Screenshot of PagerDuty showing the "Manage Webhook" screen for a Multitudes webhook.
Webhook settings shown when you click into the webhook.

Please don't edit this webhook, as it will impact the delivery of data into Multitudes and affect the accuracy of your insights. This includes the multitudesId custom header is used to identify your PagerDuty organization inside Multitudes.

If you have any questions about the settings, please contact

How to Uninstall

To uninstall the app, please contact

To uninstall the webhook:

1. In PagerDuty, in the top navigation bar, navigate to Integrations > Generic Webhooks (v3).

2.Under Subscriptions, find the webhook called Click the "..." menu on the right hand side of the card, and click Delete.

Opsgenie integration

Some insights on Multitudes, such as Mean Time to Restore (MTTR) require your organization to install an integration with Opsgenie. After you’ve installed Opsgenie, you’ll be able to see insights for more metrics!

  • In the Multitudes app, go to Settings > Integrations and click on the connect Opsgenie card. This should direct you to your Opsgenie instance (otherwise click here)
  • On Opsgenie navigate to settings > API key management > add a new API key
  • Once you click add a new API key, you should get a pop-up. Proceed to do 3 things in the pop-up
    Screenshot with instructions
    1. Select both the "Read" and “Configuration access” access scopes
    2. Copy the key - we also recommend you store this API access key in a secure location
    3. Click  "Add API Key" to finalize
  • Back on Multitudes, paste the previously-copied API key into the text field and click save
  • You will be prompted to link Opsgenie users with Multitudes users. This will determine whose Opsgenie data we know to show in Multitudes, so it's important to complete this step. Learn more about user linking.
  • All done! Multitudes will now start to track your incidents and calculate Mean Time to Restore

Note: Multitudes tracks MTTR by looking at your Opsgenie <code-text>incidents<code-text>. It does not look at Opsgenie <code-text>alerts<code-text>. The Opsgenie <code-text>incidents<code-text> feature is only available to paying Opsgenie customers.

Google Calendar integration

Install our Google Calendar integration to get insights like Focus Time and Meeting Load.

Note that in order to install this integration, you must have both:

  • Owner or Manager level permissions on Multitudes, and
  • Google Workspace Admin access to set up the connection to your organization’s Google Workspace
How to install:

On the Multitudes app, go to the Integrations page (it’s in Settings > Integrations).

  1. Find the card that says Google Calendar and click Connect in the top right of the card.
  2. After you click Connect, on the resulting pop-up click Connect Google.
  3. Choose the Google account you want to link with Multitudes. You must be a Google Workplace admin to complete the following steps.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. This will open up permission settings. Click Allow.

    Why does Multitudes need these permissions?
    • See info about users on your domain
      We use this to automatically link up users from the Google Workspace with Multitudes Contributors.
    • View events on all your calendars
      We use this to build the Focus Time and Meeting Load charts
    • Edit events on all your calendars
      We don’t currently allow people to edit any calendar events from within Multitudes. However, we have this scope turned on because in future iterations we will give users the ability to update and edit their calendars from the 1:1 section of Multitudes.
  6. You will be brought back into the application. Next, we’ll ask you to link Google users to Multitudes users. Where the email address in Google matches what we have in Multitudes, we will automatically link those users (example below).
    If the users don’t get picked up automatically (i.e. if the email address of the Multitudes Contributor is different from their Google email), you can manually link a Multitudes Contributor to a Google User account by choosing the appropriate Google account from the drop-down menu.

    If the users don’t get picked up automatically (i.e. if the email address of the Multitudes Contributor is different from their Google email), you can manually link a Multitudes Contributor to a Google User account by choosing the appropriate Google account from the drop-down menu.
  7. Then click continue and you’re done!

User linking

Multitudes contributors must be linked to their corresponding user accounts from your integrations, in order for integration data to appear in the app. This is so that Multitudes knows whose data is whose, and so that contributors can have confidence that their data is being attributed accurately.

Viewers, by definition, don't show up in our data, so if you want to see someone's data, you need to switch them to a contributor. Learn more about data inclusion settings.

Also, currently Multitudes requires that all contributors are GitHub users. For example, if someone is only on Opsgenie or Jira, but not GitHub, they can not become a contributor, and therefore can't have their data shown in Multitudes.

For example, if you link the contributor <code-text>Sam Smith<code-text> in Multitudes with the user <code-text>sam-smith<code-text> in Jira, that tells us that the issues assigned to <code-text>sam-smith<code-text> should be attributed to the <code-text>Sam Smith<code-text> and the teams they're part of in Multitudes.

We currently have user linking for our GitHub, Linear, and Jira integrations. We are in the process of rolling it out for all our other integrations too.

Linked vs.Verified

Table of different integration tag states depending on linking & verification state.

There are 3 states that a user can have:

  • ✅ Linked & verified: This Multitudes contributor has been linked to a user on this integration, and this link has been verified via email. These links can not be edited.

    If the Multitudes contributor has login access, and the email they used for Multitudes is the same as the email they use for the given integration, they will automatically be linked & verified with no email or any further action required.
  • ⚠️ Linked but not verified: They have been linked to a user, but they have not yet confirmed via email verification that they are indeed this user (see below for more info). This is to stop data from being attributed to the wrong people. You can click these links to send (or re-send) a verification email, which the user in question will need to accept to confirm that they are indeed this person.
  • ❌ Unlinked: The Multitudes contributor is not linked to a user on this integration. Their data fom this integration will not be shown in the Multitudes app, since we don't know who to attribute this data to.
  • (Jira only) Linked & verification not available: Jira does not allow email verification, so we are unable to verify whether the user that this person is linked to, really is that person. More info here.

Email verification

If verification is required (e.g. the contributor has access to Multitudes, and the email they use for Multitudes is different to the email they use for the integration in question), we send an email to the user's integration email address. The user can then click the magic link from their email, which lets us know that they are indeed the same person.

If they are linked to users in other integrations, and they also use the same email address, those links will automatically be verified.

Example: The Multitudes contributor "Sam Smith" logs in to Multitudes using <code-text><code-text>. They have the following user links:

  • ✅"s.smith" on Jira which uses <code-text><code-text>. This gets verified automatically, because it's the same as their Multitudes email address.
  • ⚠️"sam-smith" on Linear and ⚠️"Sammy Smith" on PagerDuty which both use an aliased work email <code-text><code-text>. Multitudes sends a verification email to this address. Clicking the link in the email will verify both Linear and PagerDuty.
  • ⚠️"sammy-the-coder" on GitHub which uses their personal email <code-text><code-text>. This will need a separate verification email as it's a different address

Email verification is not available for Jira

Unfortunately, Jira does not allow us to retrieve email addresses of users (upvote this feature request to expedite this!). This means that we can't verify user links. Our UI will show links to Jira users as linked with no further action required, but on hover you will see a tooltip that indicates that they are not verified and that verification is not available.

Editing user links in bulk from integration settings

Go to Settings >Integrations. Click "Configure" on the integration that you'd like to edit the user links for. This will bring up a modal listing all your Multitudes contributors. You can use the dropdowns next to ech contributor to select the corresponding user in the integration.

Editing user links for a specific contributor

You can link an unlinked contributor, or change the link of an already-linked contributor, in one of these three places. Unless you are a Manager or Owner, you can only edit user links for your own team member.

1. Settings > Team Members: Click on a specific team member. Under their display name, you will see a row of tags showing the integrations you have installed. Clicking on these will open a modal for editing that link.

2. My 1:1s: Click on a specific team member's 1:1. Under their display name, you will see a row of tags showing the integrations you have installed. Clicking on these will open a modal for editing that link.

3. Settings > Teams: Click "Edit" on a team. There is table of user links, with contributor names & profile images, and the logos of installed integrations. You can click the checkboxes/icons to open a modal for editing that link.

My commits don’t seem to be appearing in Multitudes – what’s going on?

Check that the email address that is in your local git config (<code-text><code-text> when you do <code-text>git config -l<code-text>) matches the email address(es) that are linked to your GitHub account. You can change this by either changing git config to match an email that’s in GitHub, or by adding your git config email address to your GitHub account under If the emails are different, GitHub won’t know how to match your commits to your GitHub login (although it still links it to the account because of your SSH keys).

“Collaborative PRs”/”All PRs” toggles

On the Merge Frequency chart on the Value Delivery page, you’ll see an option to choose between Collaborative PRs orAll PRs in the top-right corner of the chart. This toggle lets you only see PRs that had input from other team members (not just the PR author), like a comment, a review, or a merge. 

  • When Collaborative PRs is selected (default), only PRs that have had a comment, review, or merge from someone other than the PR author are shown; in other words, “selfie PRs" are excluded.
  • When All PRs is selected, all PRs are shown - even the “selfie PRs" where there was no comment, review, or merge on the PR by anyone other than the PR author.

In either situation, PRs authored by bots are excluded.

Bot activity

We generally try to filter out bot activity as this does not represent actual collaboration or work by team members. PRs authored by bots includes:

  • PRs authored by a user that GitHub deems is of type "Bot"
  • PRs authored by a user of type User with the string -bot, [bot] , or dependabot in the name (case sensitive). E.g., bertie-bot and bertie-bott would be considered bots, but hannah-abbott wouldn’t.
  • PRs authored by a user of type User with a name that exactly matches one in our specified list. This list includes common GitHub bots who come through with a type of "User", like netlify, linear-app, renovate, renovate-approve, and github-actions.
  • PRs with [snyk] in the title (case insensitive).

“Exclude weekend hours” toggle

On some Trend Summary cards on our My Insights page, and on the Flow of Work > filters bar > “Show more filter” menu, there is an Exclude weekend hours toggle. 

You can turn this toggle on to exclude weekend hours from the calculations like Change Lead Time. “Weekend hours” are personal to each individual; it includes all hours during their custom non-working days. For example, if someone works part-time Monday to Wednesday, and the toggle is turned on, any hours on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday would be excluded because this is their weekend. 

You can configure non-working days for each team member in Settings.

Changing standard working hours

Multitudes uses people’s working hours to calculate out-of-hours work. We have a default setting for this (Mon-Fri, 9 am - 5 pm in the timezone of your company’s headquarters), but because people work flexibly, we strongly recommend that you configure this for your individual preferences.To change the working hours for you or a teammate, go to Settings > Team Members, and select the person you want to adjust. Scroll down to the “Working Times” section, make changes as needed to the Timezone, Work days, or Working hours, and then choose “Confirm.”

Back-dating a team member's working hours

Some insights on Multitudes, such as out-of-hours work, are based on a team member’s working times. These are individually configurable but we start with the following defaults:

  • Timezone: The organization’s timezone
  • Working days: Monday to Friday
  • Working hours: 8am to 5pm

If you have a team member who works different hours or in a different timezone, you will likely want to update the default settings and back-date the changes so that person's historical data matches their actual working hours. To do that, follow the steps below.

First, go to Settings > Team Members, and select the person you want to adjust. Scroll down to the “Working Times” section and make changes as needed to the Timezone, Work days, or Working hours.

After you make changes to the "Working Times" section, a banner will appear (see screenshot below). Choose “Yes, back-date these changes”.

Screenshot of the working times settings in the Multitudes app, with a banner asking whether to back-date changes.

This will back-date your current working time settings, applying the current settings to the last 12 months of data for this person. This includes recalculating metrics that use these settings, such as Out-of-Hours work.

If you do not want to back-date the changes to Working Times, click “No, update from today” and the app will apply your settings from that point onwards, just like any other setting.

People who work on multiple teams/no specific teams

We’ve left the team structure flexible so it can meet your needs: We allow people to be on multiple teams, or on no teams at all.

However, if someone is not on any team, then they won’t appear in our graphs (since our tool is focused on helping teams work better together). As soon as you add them to at least one team, then they will be included in our insights.

Configuring seniority

You can configure the seniority of team members who are Contributors to provide color-coding on the Feedback flows chart. At the moment, anyone can edit seniority for anyone else.

To do so, go to Settings > Team members, click on a Team member who is a Contributor (see the column on Data Inclusion). On the page that opens for that team member’s profile:

  1. Find the section for Seniority, edit the drop-down
  2. Then click ‘Confirm’ at top right to save

See image below

Edit senority

Can’t find what you are looking for?

Contact us