People & Process

Software Engineering Management: Getting Started

software engineering management

Managing people is a whole new skillset compared to coding.

Borrowing from The Making of A Manager by Julie Zhou, there are 3 core areas to management. Quoting from the book, these are:

  1. Purpose — ensuring that your team knows what success looks like and cares about achieving it
  2. People — developing trust-based relationships with your team, understanding their strengths and weaknesses and making good decisions about who should do what (including hiring and firing when necessary)
  3. Process — mastering effective meetings, planning for tomorrow, and nurturing a healthy culture

Engineering management in particular brings exciting new territories to explore, where your impact grows through developing others and mastering skills you may have never encountered as an individual contributor.

In this getting started guide, we'll explore how to successfully navigate the transition from writing code to leading teams, and what it takes to thrive in engineering management today. Whether you're a senior developer contemplating the leap into management or an engineering manager looking to level up your skills, you're in the right place.


1. Understanding the Foundations of Software Engineering Management

The key responsibility of engineering management is straightforward, but not easy — you need to deliver innovative, sustainable software solutions that create real value. You aren’t doing it alone though, since part of your role is building the right team to achieve your organizational goals. And after getting the right people, you also need to motivate them! Sheesh.

To excel in this role, engineering managers need to make the jump from focusing on technical questions to people and organizational ones. We Are Tech Women sums it up well — your responsibilities shift from doing the work to guiding others in their work. It’s about supporting your team, making strategic decisions and keeping everyone on track.

Now let’s dive deeper into the 3Ps outlined above (with one special mention upfront about trust because we believe that to be of upmost importance).

Start with Trust

At Multitudes, we believe the most important role of a great engineering manager is to establish trust in the team.

Trust is not an abstract concept; it's a tangible atmosphere where individuals feel secure and valued. In a high-trust team, there's a sense of psychological safety, open communication, and a shared commitment to the team's goals.

Google's Project Aristotle research into team effectiveness revealed that psychological safety, more than anything else, was the number one factor for improving team performance. The researchers found that individuals on teams with higher psychological safety were less likely to leave Google, they were more likely to harness the power of diverse ideas from their teammates, they brought in more revenue, and they were rated as effective twice as often by executives.

Julie Zhou, author of The Making of a Manager, also argues that you know you’ve developed trust when:

  • “My reports regularly bring their biggest challenges to my attention.”
  • “My report and I regularly give each other constructive feedback and it isn’t taken personally.”
  • “My reports would gladly work for me again.”

Illustrations by Pablo Stanley

Now let’s dive into the 3Ps, inspired by The Making of A Manager by Julie Zhou with our examples tailored to engineering management.


Every great team needs a compelling "why". A clear purpose that energizes and aligns their work. This shared purpose becomes your team's North Star, influencing literally everything you do.

A powerful purpose is about the real impact your team creates in the world and the meaningful difference you make in users' lives. When teams deeply understand their why, they make better decisions and navigate challenges with confidence. Without this clarity, team members often pull in different directions or struggle to focus on what truly matters.

Picture a team building a healthcare scheduling platform:

  • The founder's vision is to reduce patient wait times by streamlining appointment booking and scheduling across clinics.
  • However, one software engineer believes the product should be a comprehensive patient health tracker. They start prioritizing features like medication reminders and symptom logging - valuable features, but not aligned with the core mission of making healthcare more accessible through efficient scheduling.
  • These misalignments can impact the entire team's effectiveness.
  • The engineer might spend time building patient monitoring features when the rest of the team is focused on improving clinic calendar integrations and automated waitlist management.
  • Without alignment on purpose, even talented team members may find themselves spinning their wheels. But alignment can't be forced. Effective engineering leaders excel at helping team members connect their talents to the company's mission, transforming individual preferences into shared purpose and meaningful impact.

True alignment comes from shared belief in the mission, not just following directions.

A leader's core responsibility is creating clarity around success and inspiring their team to achieve it together. Your team's purpose might be focused – like "help small businesses process payments in under a second" – or ambitious – like "make online education accessible to everyone." Whatever that purpose is, it should bleed into every aspect of your work.

When you deeply understand your team's mission, it naturally flows into your daily actions, from the way you set quarterly goals to how you run your standups. It shapes your team's priorities, guides individual growth conversations, and helps everyone make better decisions about what to build next.


The second critical element of leadership is focusing on your people. Common questions include: Do you have the right people? Are they set up to succeed? Are they motivated to achieve the results you need?

Without the right combination of capable, engaged people and a supportive environment, even the best product vision will remain just that — a vision.

Continuing the healthcare scheduling example:

  • Maybe your backend engineer struggles with compliance implementations
  • Or your frontend engineer loses motivation when working on appointment reminder systems
  • Or your product manager is having trouble prioritizing the performance optimizations needed for high-volume clinic scheduling.

Any of these situations can impact your team's ability to deliver reliable, user-friendly healthcare software.

Strong people leadership requires building genuine connections with your team members, understanding both their superpowers and growth areas and making thoughtful decisions about roles and responsibilities.

Sometimes this means having candid conversations about performance, making tough hiring decisions, or recognizing when someone might be better suited to a different team. But most often, it means coaching your people to reach their full potential while creating an environment where they feel empowered to do their best work.


The final piece is process — the way your team works together day-to-day.

Even with brilliant engineers and a crystal-clear purpose, teams need effective ways to collaborate. This means establishing clear expectations around how decisions are made, who owns what, and how work flows between team members.

Again with the healthcare scheduling example:

  • Imagine your frontend engineer needs updated API endpoints for the new clinic dashboard, and your backend developer is responsible for implementing them. Without clear processes, simple questions become blockers:
    • How does the frontend team communicate their requirements?
    • When will the APIs be ready?
    • What happens if urgent patient scheduling issues need immediate attention?
  • Without streamlined workflows, teams waste valuable time coordinating handoffs and handling preventable issues.

Process can feel bureaucratic. Many of us have dreamed of working in a process-free environment where we could just focus on shipping great code. But effective processes create clarity that helps teams move faster and work better together.

They're the foundation that enables sustainable, high-quality delivery.

2. Top people management skills every engineering manager should have

People commonly refer to management as a ‘soft skill’. What does this actually mean? Soft skills are a combination of people skills, social skills and communication skills, as well as personality traits and attitudes.

There are 5 key skills we believe every engineering manager should have:

Attribute Description Representative Quote
Active Listening Active listening means creating genuine connection by focusing fully on what's being shared, reflecting back what you've heard, and asking thoughtful questions. " … silence …"
Clear Communication Clear communication means expressing ideas with purpose and precision while ensuring your message resonates with your audience - whether you're sharing technical decisions, giving feedback, or explaining project goals. "I want to break down our upcoming database migration into three phases - first addressing the schema changes, then handling the data transfer, and finally implementing the new API endpoints - this gives us clear checkpoints and helps the team understand exactly what we're tackling at each stage."
Empowering Teams To give freedom on how engineers work, show trust and support for their decisions, and help engineers be independently responsible. "I tell them where I would like to end up; the way there, they are the ones that know better how to get there."
Coaching and Mentoring To coach engineers on quality aspects (e.g., scalability), provide guidance through appropriate questions to engineers struggling with their tasks, and help the engineer build independent decision-making skills. "If the requirements change, I don’t want to redesign. I want to make sure they have thought about scalability and extensibility."
Expectation Setting and Managing Stakeholders To act as a buffer with other teams and managers, negotiate what the team can provide when, and mediate their own team’s requests to other teams. "I will make sure it bubbles up and I correspond with my boss to make sure that we get what we need, but not too much."

Hopefully this also reminds you of some of the best managers you’ve had!

Remember, building great teams isn't as simple as putting talented people together in a room. Even J. Richard Hackman, who spent four decades studying how professionals collaborate - from orchestra musicians creating harmony to pilots safely navigating the skies, said that making a team function well is harder than it looks. “Research consistently shows that teams underperform, despite all the extra resources they have,” he says. “That’s because problems with coordination and motivation typically chip away at the benefits of collaboration.”

3. Biggest shifts when transitioning from Individual Contributor to Engineering Manager

The transition to engineering management brings significant changes to your day-to-day work. While your technical expertise remains valuable, your role shifts from directly building solutions to enabling others to succeed

Way less focus time

Making the leap from developer to engineering manager brings one of the biggest mindset shifts of your career: learning to trade deep focus time for high availability.

"When you're in a management role, you need to prioritize high availability. For me, that meant that my day (and mind) became profoundly fragmented," shares Zeke Nierenberg, a former CTO who later transitioned back to an individual contributor role.

This hits home for many engineering managers. There's something deeply satisfying about spending hours solving a complex technical problem. But as a manager, your primary role shifts to enabling your team's success. This means:

  • Being available to unblock team members when they need help
  • Stepping back from critical path projects that could create dependencies
  • Shielding your team from interruptions by fielding questions from stakeholders

While it's still valuable to stay technically involved, finding focus time becomes increasingly challenging as your team grows. The key is accepting that your impact now comes primarily through enabling others — a different but equally important way of contributing to your team's success.

Signs you may need to work on this:

  • If you find that you're slowing down work because people are waiting for feedback from you
  • If you find that your team is getting blocked by external dependencies and stakeholders
  • If you notice your team spending more time in meetings discussing work than actually shipping it (Multitudes can help you track your teams’ focus time!)

If so, you should work on your availability and how well you clear the path for your team's work.

More difficult conversations

Beyond the loss of coding time, one of the biggest adjustments for new engineering managers is learning to have difficult conversations and providing consistent, real feedback. While technical decisions might feel straightforward for an experienced software engineer, people management requires a different set of stills that takes time to develop.

These moments range from performance reviews to impromptu feedback sessions, and from career discussions to personal challenges. What makes this especially complex is the broad spectrum of these interactions - some might be simple course corrections, while others can impact someone's career trajectory. And sometimes these conversations aren’t even about work:

You might have someone closed off because they are mad at you or another person on the team; or you may have someone crying in your office because of something going on in their life that isn’t about work at all.” — highlighted by Tyler Jefford, Engineering Manager at Venmo.

Many new managers find themselves mentally drained after days filled with giving feedback and handling difficult conversations. It's one thing to notice areas for improvement, it's another to consistently and constructively communicate these observations to your team members. Feedback needs to be ongoing, not just reserved for formal performance reviews or critical situations.

While challenging, these human elements often become the most rewarding part of the role for those willing to embrace them. There's no perfect "management formula" because people are wonderfully complex — and that's what makes the role uniquely engaging.

Signs you may need to work on this:

  • If you find that people aren't giving each other direct feedback on your team
  • If you find yourself saying a constructive comment about someone behind their back rather than to them as feedback
  • If you notice yourself getting frustrated by the same issues over and over, but you haven't spoken to anyone about those issues

In this case, it's time to get better at giving clear and kind feedback to the people you work with, so you can improve your skills and be able to coach others on your team on this skill too.

Less coding

As you transition into management, you'll inevitably have less time to sharpen your technical skills. When you're a new manager with limited hours each week for learning, it's tough to carve out significant time for diving deep into technical topics.

Jennifer Fu from Codementor points out that while some engineering managers stay hands-on, many step back from coding — as you’re spending more time on people management tasks like 1:1s, meetings with product teams, and interviews. For engineers who are used to spending most of their time coding, this shift can be a real challenge.

But here's the thing - as an engineering manager, your role is to stay on top of the big picture tech trends in your industry and grasp the pros and cons of various solutions. You should be able to jump into the codebase and contribute when needed, but you won't have the bandwidth to get hands-on with every shiny new framework or tool your team is excited about.

Microsoft actually conducted an empirical study on what makes for a great engineering manager and found that focusing too much on technical excellence can actually harm managers effectiveness by taking them away from crucial people management skills.

Signs you may need to work on this:

  • You find that coding work you're doing is blocking the team's ability to complete critical path work
  • You're spending enough time coding that you don't have time for your manager responsibilities
  • Your team hesitates to refactor or improve code you've written because they're waiting for your availability or approval

Something that can help with this is choosing coding tasks that aren't critical path – the tech debt or improvement work that needs to be done sometime, but that doesn't have to be done on a strict timeline like feature work.

4. Performance Metrics for Engineering Management

As individuals transition into management roles, they become responsible for team performance. One of the key enablers of driving performance are through metrics. Among the recognized frameworks utilized for measuring engineering team performance are DORA metrics, SPACE (Satisfaction, Performance, Activity, Communication, and Efficiency) framework, and the Developer Experience (DevEx) framework.

Each framework presents its own lens through which engineering team performance can be viewed:

  • DORA metrics place emphasis on quality and velocity, which are in tension with each other. Optimizing DORA requires balance —teams that laser focus on velocity lose quality, and visa versa.
  • SPACE offers a more holistic approach including well-being measures of engineers on top of performance metrics.
  • DevEx defines the dimensions of the engineering lived experience and the points of friction encountered in everyday work.

We’ve written in-depth our perspective on metrics here, and our approach to measurement here.

5. Resources to learn more

Leading voices in engineering often share valuable perspectives on software engineering management. Two leaders whose approaches we like include:

Top engineering manager books:

Some other great management books we’re fans of:

  • High Output Management by Andrew GroveA classic guide that delves into the essentials of effective management and leadership, offering insights into productivity and team dynamics.
  • Radical Candor by Kim Scott This book emphasizes the importance of direct communication and provides a framework for giving constructive feedback while maintaining strong professional relationships.
  • First, Break All The Rules by Marcus Buckingham and Curt CoffmanBased on extensive Gallup research, this book reveals what the world's greatest managers do differently to cultivate engaged and productive teams.
  • Mindset by Carol Dweck Explores the concept of 'fixed' vs. 'growth' mindsets and how adopting a growth mindset can lead to greater success in both personal and professional endeavors.

6. Become a great engineering manager with Multitudes

Multitudes help engineering managers be at their best. Multitudes integrates with your existing development tools, such as GitHub and Jira, to provide insights into your team's productivity and collaboration patterns.

With Multitudes, you can:

  • Automatically track all key engineering performance metrics like Change Lead Time and Deployment Frequency
  • Get visibility into work patterns and where the team’s time went, e.g. into feature work vs. maintenance work and bug fixes
  • Identify collaboration patterns and potential knowledge silos within your team
  • Understand individual and team health through metrics like out-of-hours work, incidents, and meetings
  • Get nudges via Slack about blocked work and who might need more support, sent just in time for your next stand-up, retro, or 1:1

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